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Course for the training of teachers of adults through active volunteering is to provide adult education teachers and trainers of third sector entities with the necessary training to achieve the educational and labor inclusion of young European and migrant adults who have not completed the stages of basic training and are outside the education system while presenting serious difficulties for their integration into the labor market.


To train teachers in the new active learning system oriented to the third sector. 

To provide specific training to create their own E2.0C centers.

To learn how to jointly implement the methodologies of digital learning and active volunteering.

To train teachers how to educate through active volunteering.

To know and use all the tools generated by creating their own E2.0C centers.

Encourage innovative strategies that include active volunteering as a teaching methodology.

To orient teaching towards participation and work in the third sector while simultaneously applying the curricular contents of adult education.

To show teachers pedagogical methods to favor educational success and inclusion.

To promote the use of educational contents adapted to the third sector.

To know and understand the history and dynamics of Second Chance Schools (E2O).

To show methods that allow teachers to adapt curricular contents to the needs of the third sector. 

To encourage adult education teachers to know how to adapt contents for young adults with special difficulties derived from dropping out of school.